Narrabri High School

Respect, Involvement, Success, Engagement

Telephone02 6792 1633

Term 1

Term 1 - Week 11


Welcome back everyone. Hope the break was kind to us all. Below is a quick recap of the last week of Term 1 from the Clontarf Academy.

We finished the term off on Monday with a BBQ for school staff friends and family where we played games and had a lot of fun. Unfortunately, we got so caught up in the fun we didn't get any photos. Thank you to everyone who made it down on the evening. Open invitation to all school staff for any of the activities we run throughout the school year.  

As apart of our final afternoon activity for the term we did a clean-up around the school and saved all the empty bottles, cans and poppers we collected. After which we cashed them in down at the return and earn. The boys in the academy have raised $59.60 in term 1 alone, from recycling the rubbish they collect around the school. All money raised will go towards an academy room party at the end of the year. 

On Wednesday during lunch, we held a Ping Pong competition in the quad. We well regularly hold games and competitions each Wednesday somewhere in the playground for all students and staff to get involved and we'll have prizes and give aways for the best participants. Everyone welcome.

On Friday the top attenders for the term were all invited to the pool for an awesome day out. It was a laugh watching the boys take on Monster Island. We had a BBQ lunch at the pool too, before returning to school to watch a movie in the academy room.

Ash and Corey were with our 11 and 12 boys travelling around NSW for tryouts in the Clontarf Stat of Origin team and the Northwest schools under 18's representative team. Isaiah Cochrane (for the second year in a row) and Declan Rooney made the Clontarf NSW state of origin team. The game will be played in Sydney on Thursday 23rd of May. More information to come on where and how you can watch. Reports from the staff were that all the boys played very well but can't all make the team. Special shout out to Jack Anderson who impressed on the day and was unlucky not to make the side. 

Term 1 - Week 10


With only 4 school days this week we sure did get through a lot of activities. We played tag gridiron, our panel of rugby league experts reviewed round 4 of the NRL and gave me, Mr Pursche, some much needed tipping advice, games continued with 4 square ping pong, touch football, basketball and indoor cricket. The highlight of the week for all of us at Clontarf was heading up to Moree to meet with some of the NRL and NRLW players. You'll see some of our boys, proudly wearing their Clontarf gear interacting with the players, in a short clip on the Matty Johns show (Thursday night show at the 10 minute mark). 

Our top trainers for Term1 were all invited to Moree for the launch of a new NSW Government, NRL and NSW Police program called "Project Pathfinder". NSW Premier, Chris Minns, and Chairperson of the Australian Rugby League Commission, Peter V'landys, both spoke on the importance of the programme for local youth. The boys listened patiently, but were most impressed by the presence of NRL players,

Latrell Mitchell, Cody Walker and Tyrone Munroe, and NRLW players Quincy Dodd and Rhiannon Byers. The boys were treated to skills and drills run by the NRL, as well as photos and signatures from all the players.

The boys finished the day off with a game of touch, a big feed and lending a hand to help clean up the ovals. The boys represented the Clontarf Foundation and our Narrabri Academy well. Special shout out to Jarrad Lawler, Rydell Kelly and Clinton Lamb for going above and beyond on the day. Exceptional display of Clontarf Spirit.

Monday next week we will be holding our Term 1 Clontarf family BBQ. Monday 8th of April from 5:30pm onwards open invite for all Clontarf members, their families and school staff. A thank you from Clontarf for the term and allowing us to work with you to get the best for the boys.

Clontarf students are welcome to stay back after school on Monday to assist with preparation and setup.

Our final camp for term 1 is coming up next week. Ash, Corey and 8 of our year 11 and 12 students are travelling to Salamander Bay for the Clontarf senior league carnival. The boys will be trailing to play in the Clontarf Rugby League State of Origin. Last year both Isaiah Cochrane and Clarence Morgan made it on to the team and represented Narrabri well. The day afterwards the boys will be travelling to Armidale for another rugby league trial. All the under 18s boys who made the zone team will be trailing for the Northwest team. All the best to our boys we hope you all play to the best of your abilities. 

Term 1 - Week 9


On Thursday leading into the long weekend we handed out a few Easter Eggs to get the boys excited about the weekend ahead. So here is to hoping everyone has a productive and pleasant Easter weekend.

This week we only had the one morning training session. The boys played dodgeball on the school's basketball courts. It was a hell of a game. Black team won 5 games to nil. Very impressive show of talent, but it wasn't all bad for red team as they were given first go at breakfast to make up for a hard day out in the dodge ball arena.

This week we would like to highlight the fantastic work Centacare have done alongside our Clontarf academy. Centacare have come over every Wednesday this term to deliver health and wellbeing sessions for a select group of year 8 and 9 boys. The same opportunities will be provided for other year groups throughout the year. They have shown a lot of care, support and especially patience (towards some of our more energetic) young men. The boys were over the moon to see Cliff Toomey senior back for a visit this week. Below you can see photos of the boys having a foot race to burn off some of their excess energy so they could pay more attention to everyone running the session. Great shout Cliff and thank you to everyone from Centacare who has supported our boys this term.

Term 1 - Week 8


All smiles around the Clontarf academy last week. Great to see so many of the boys benefiting from what the foundation has to offer.

On Tuesday afternoon our panel of experts analysed the best and worst plays of the weekend's NRL games. With insights into what they would have done differently and what teams will prosper in 2024. Something we'll do regularly through the NRL season. 

In preparation for the NW Clontarf touch carnival (postponed until further notice, no new date locked in yet) our morning trainings were dominated with quick dumbs, diving tags and the simple draw and pass. Our employment officer Luke “Tubby” Taylor stopped in for one of our sessions and he too noticed the improvement in the boy’s game. 

Due to the previously mentioned touch carnival being postponed, we took a group of the boys to Gwydir River at Bingara for a fun afternoon out. The boys made the most of the late change of plans and had an awesome afternoon out. We played some high stakes matches of rock, scissors, paper. Utilised the towns gym equipment, went swimming, fishing and of course played touch football. 

Term 1 - Week 7


Not long left in the term now, we have seen a lot of familiar faces through the Academy room from last year and a few new ones. Good to see the boys stopping in more regularly. Even more impressive than that is seeing the increase in school attendance across all year levels.

This week I got to stop into the Year 9 Careers class and see what the boys were up to. I got to witness Khynen showing off his skills welding and using the press.

Over our two afternoon activities this week we continued our beautification of the Academy room door, it's coming along slowly. The boys enjoy working on it and I can't wait to see the finished project.

Our Year 8,9 and 10 boys were set to leave for a touch football carnival in Inverell on Wednesday 20 March, but due to bad weather over the mountains it has been postponed until sometime in Term 4. Instead, we'll travel out to Copeton Dam for some deserved R & R. The last two morning sessions we spent practicing our touch skills for the, now postponed, carnival in Inverell. The boys are quick learners when they put their minds to it. Great to see so many boys getting up early for the training sessions still.

Term 1 - Week 6


Last week was flat out, with the Clontarf boys participating in community events (Clean Up Australia Day); meetings with the Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton, DIY projects repairing and beautifying our academy room door; dinner for Year 11 students with their families; early morning trainings; Ping Pong competitions; health and well-being sessions run by Centacare and a chess tournament. It's amazing to see so many of the boys taking advantage of the opportunities before them. 

Monday after school we wanted to give back to the school and we held our own mini Clean Up Australia Day, collecting rubbish from around the school yard and gardens. The boys capitalised on the bottles, cans and poppers found around the school, after collecting them we put them through the return and earn. All money raised will go to an end of year party in the Clontarf room on the last day of school. 

Later that evening we had a dinner at the Tourist Hotel for our Year 11 students, great to see the boys and their families turn up. The boys looked very sharp and they were intently listening to the messages delivered from Clayton Pursche Academy Director, Luke Stahlhut NSW NW Regional Manager and Simon Warden School Principal. We're here to help all Clontarf boys succeed at attaining their HSC and meaningful employment. 

Luke Stahlhut Clontarf NW Regional Manager and Luke Taylor Clontarf NW Employment Officer made the trip over for a couple of days. They joined in for both our afternoon activity and morning training sessions. On Tuesday afternoon the boys sanded back the academy door before giving it an undercoat. Watch this space to see the final product. We'll be beautifying the door and the academy room. Wednesday morning Ash Hynch ran the boys through some rugby league skills and drills. It was a well run morning with high participation. Boys were equally impressed with Corey Dixon's BBQ breakfast.

Luke Stahlhut, Corey Dixon, Isaiah Cochrane and Clarence Morgan had a meeting with the Honourable Mark Coulton Federal Member for Parkes. The boys discussed what is happening in the community at school and the impacts Clontarf have had on each of them. Mark gave the boys a glowing wrap. Both Isaiah and Clarence are excellent spokesmen for the Narrabri Clontarf Academy and continue to do us proud. 

Finally, a thank you to the ladies from Centacare who are coming into the academy each week to deliver health and wellbeing sessions for our young men. So far they have had workshops around the dangers of vaping or smoking and what healthy relationships look like.

Term 1 - Week 5


Catching up on our Year 12's Leadership camp from last week. On Wednesday 21 February three Narrabri Emus travelled to Southwest Rocks for the Year 12 Leadership camp. The boys started the camp off with a Culture Day at Back Creek with the Figtree mob, who taught them about the Dunghutti (Thaingutti) people, animals, and the land. At dinner that night we had Aiden Tolman join us as a guest speaker to talk about “what makes a good leader”. The next day the boys went into the leadership activities, planning the end of year trip, getting GEP’s, drivers licenses and employment pathways before finishing school. We finished the night off with dinner and a game of ten-pin bowling with Michelle from Stahmann Webster. On Friday before making the trip back to Narrabri, we finished the camp off with Clean Up Australia Day at Back Creek, joined by Michelle, giving back to the community which provided us such a beautiful location for camp.

On Tuesday this week we took Year 7 on their first camp to Yarrie Lake. Where we introduce the boys to the foundation and why we do what we do.  The newest academy members have set the bar of expectations high for their senior peers. The boys were fantastic at everything they did and displayed Clontarf spirit at all times.

We started the trip with a visit to one of our local partners at Woolworths. The boys were given an engaging tour of the store and learned a lot about how the grocer is run. Shortly after we headed over to Yarrie Lake to setup camp and play some fun games. The boys enjoyed “swimming” in the ankle deep lake and impressed the staff with their fishing skills. Thanks to all the boys for coming I hope they had a great time. Looking forward to more camps like this one.

Due to the scorching hot weather this week we went for a cooling swim at the pool on Thursday after school and kept our morning training a bit lighter than usual working on our kicking skills for rugby league. 

Term 1 - Week 4


On Monday afternoon of 20 February, we had 7 our Year 7-9 boys attend the school's homework club. Where Mrs. McGregor helped the boys with their work and even provided cupcakes as an extra treat for their efforts. We encourage all Clontarf boys who need any extra assistance with homework or assessments to come along on Monday afternoons. We do drop offs in town afterwards.


On Tuesday we sowed our garden with new vegetables and flowers. we hope to get a good crop throughout the term. 


Wednesday morning, we continued our morning training focusing on rugby league skills and drills. This will be our main focus of the term. In week 8 Years 8, 9 & 10 will have the chance to play in a Clontarf touch rugby league carnival against other academies in North West NSW and Darling Downs QLD. If any students want to play in the team’s, they best get down to morning trainings to practice their skills.


Thursday was the big one. Full day at school and then off to the twilight swimming carnival.  We had over 50% of the boys enrolled in Clontarf attend the swimming carnival. It was a well run and fun carnival. Good to see the Clontarf students competing in so many events. Some great photos on the school's website. 


Of our four Year 12 students three attended a leadership camp in South West Rocks through the week. Once we have photos we will touch on the accomplishments of our boys.

Term 1 - Week 3


Clontarf have just completed the first full school week for 2024. It has been great to meet all the new faces, with a small group of our Year 7 boys grabbing a poster of their favourite NRL team to take home.  We had a good turnout of boys for our first week back. As we get into the full swing of things, we hope to see more students and NHS staff enjoying the activities we have to offer. Each week we will run on the same schedule. If any activity cannot run, we'll get information out as soon as possible.


Monday – Homework club with Narrabri High School – 3:30pm 

Tuesday – Afternoon activities include fishing, swimming, free play games, volunteering in the community etc. – 3:30pm

Wednesday – Morning training warm up, game specific drills & skills, games, then finish with a cooked breakfast – 6:00am

Thursday – Afternoon activities include fishing, swimming, free play games, volunteering in the community etc. – 3:30pm

Friday – Morning training warm up, game specific drills & skills, games, then finish with a cooked breakfast – 6:00am

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday we will drop all the boys who live in town home from 4:30pm - 5:00pm.

Wednesday and Friday we will pick-up all the boys who live in town from home starting at 6:00am. Training starts at school at 7:00am.

We had a special lunch of Hot Dogs and Corn Chips on Monday to celebrate the super bowl. The game played in the background during the lunch and recess breaks. As the NRL season kick off nears we have started our morning training sessions with rugby league. Boys impressing early. For our afternoon activities we cleaned up our garden, harvested the last of the carrots and played a few different games on the back lawn.

Next week our 4 Year 12 students head off to South West Rocks for their leadership camp. The week after our Year 7 students will have their induction camp. 

It's good to be back and a big welcome to Clontarf to all the new boys at NHS this year. 

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