Term 2 - Week 10

Monday 1 July and Tuesday 2 July Years 7/8 Narrabri Emus set off for a rugby league carnival at Hunter River High School. We left early at 5am to arrive in Newcastle for the Aboriginal Numeracy Gala Day at McDonald Jones Stadium, home of the NRL Newcastle Knights. The boys broke off into different groups solving maths problems, rotating stations every 15 minutes. Our fearless Director, Clayton Pursche, was doing his best Kaylan Ponga impersonations. On Tuesday morning we woke up to rain, a lot of rain, and much to the boy's disappointment the footy was cancelled. All was not lost, we made the most of a bad start to the day by going to Holey Moley and playing laser tag, mini golf and tenpin bowling. No one was safe with Mavrick Croaker bowling one of the worst bowls ever seen, hitting the lane next to him. We finished the day off with some of Clayton’s lettuce leaf pizza and chips before heading back to god’s country, Narrabri. Ashley Hynch, Operations Officer
Thursday our Top Attenders for Term Two had their Big Day Out. The Narrabri Emus travelled to the hills of Tamworth to play laser tag, all boys had fun and loved the courses that were set out for them. Tamworth paintball and laser tag do a fantastic job at creating an engaging day., unfortunately, some boys got hit with stinging nettle. At the end of the 2-hour games session the boys had a sausage sizzle and can of drink, the boys were very appreciative. Corey Dixon, Operations Officer
Friday, on the last day of school for the term a handful of Clontarf boys tried their hand at painting. Big thank you to the girls in Mr Doherty's Year 12 Aboriginal Studies class for sketching some ideas on to canvas. It was a huge help for the boys and they were super proud of the finished products. The canvases were supplied by the local Commonwealth Bank of Australia, as they wanted to display some local art and with NAIDOC approaching, they thought of the Clontarf Foundation. The boys appreciated the opportunity to express their artistic side and I know they'll be super proud if the artwork is displayed in branch. They were equally impressed with the afternoon tea supplied by CBA too. Clayton Pursche, Academy Director
I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable break. Well deserved. Signing off until Term 3. (We'll be returning on Wednesday July 24 as we have professional development on the first 2 days back).