Narrabri High School

Respect, Involvement, Success, Engagement

Telephone02 6792 1633

Term 2

Term 2 - Week 10


Monday 1 July and Tuesday 2 July Years 7/8 Narrabri Emus set off for a rugby league carnival at Hunter River High School. We left early at 5am to arrive in Newcastle for the Aboriginal Numeracy Gala Day at McDonald Jones Stadium, home of the NRL Newcastle Knights. The boys broke off into different groups solving maths problems, rotating stations every 15 minutes. Our fearless Director, Clayton Pursche, was doing his best Kaylan Ponga impersonations. On Tuesday morning we woke up to rain, a lot of rain, and much to the boy's disappointment the footy was cancelled. All was not lost, we made the most of a bad start to the day by going to Holey Moley and playing laser tag, mini golf and tenpin bowling. No one was safe with Mavrick Croaker bowling one of the worst bowls ever seen, hitting the lane next to him. We finished the day off with some of Clayton’s lettuce leaf pizza and chips before heading back to god’s country, Narrabri. Ashley Hynch, Operations Officer

Thursday our Top Attenders for Term Two had their Big Day Out. The Narrabri Emus travelled to the hills of Tamworth to play laser tag, all boys had fun and loved the courses that were set out for them. Tamworth paintball and laser tag do a fantastic job at creating an engaging day., unfortunately, some boys got hit with stinging nettle. At the end of the 2-hour games session the boys had a sausage sizzle and can of drink, the boys were very appreciative. Corey Dixon, Operations Officer

Friday, on the last day of school for the term a handful of Clontarf boys tried their hand at painting. Big thank you to the girls in Mr Doherty's Year 12 Aboriginal Studies class for sketching some ideas on to canvas. It was a huge help for the boys and they were super proud of the finished products. The canvases were supplied by the local Commonwealth Bank of Australia, as they wanted to display some local art and with NAIDOC approaching, they thought of the Clontarf Foundation. The boys appreciated the opportunity to express their artistic side and I know they'll be super proud if the artwork is displayed in branch. They were equally impressed with the afternoon tea supplied by CBA too. Clayton Pursche, Academy Director 

I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable break. Well deserved. Signing off until Term 3. (We'll be returning on Wednesday July 24 as we have professional development on the first 2 days back).

Term 2 - Week 9


The holidays are right around the corner now. 

This week we had Clinton Lamb (senior) stop by the academy room to teach the boys some local dances. The boys really enjoyed themselves and had a good laugh when I attempted the shaky leg. Rydell found this especially funny and kept asking me if I had been practising at home.

For morning trainings this week, we have been brushing up our football skills ahead of our camp to Hunter River High for the Newcastle region Year’s 7/8 Clontarf rugby league carnival. We'll be taking down approximately 15 boys from Narrabri for the first 3 days next week. We appreciate the boys getting up for training each week and it is always good to see how much their fitness and skills improve over time, whilst they are enjoying themselves at the same time. The biggest skill development we have noticed is around the academy's ping pong table. If you think you aren't half bad at table tennis and have time during lunch or recess, please stop by the room and test out your skills. 

Every Wednesday this term (and for the next 2 terms too) we have had health sessions run by the lovely staff over at Centacare. It was Year 7's turn this term and the boys really impressed Centacare with their manners and willingness to learn. Hopefully Year 8 can keep it up next term. The boys were treated to On Lee's lunch specials for their excellent work. 

Each Wednesday morning, we also take 5 boys over to Maitland Street Medical to complete their annual health checks. Every year the Clontarf Foundation aims to provide each student in the program with a 715 health check and we help the boys were we can with any follow ups or referrals. This year we are buying all the boys Subway as a thank you for getting their health checks done. We have got all Year 7 boys through and are working on Year’s 8 and 9 next term.

We had our final afternoon activity over at the West Public School this term and would like to thank the school for hosting us. There was a lot of involvement from the primary school boys, and we look forward to working with some of them next year at high school. The boys played ultimate frisbee and had a few pieces of fruit to finish the day off. 

Term 2 - Week 8



Three Narrabri Clontarf members Rydell Kelly, Deklan Condran and Eli Clark are participating in the run beyond project. The boys have been running every Monday in preparation to tackle a 10km run later in the year. Thanks to organisation from Miss Ong and Miss Wright the boys will travel down to Lake Macquarie running festival on 25th August. We'll be encouraging them every step of the way and I'll get involved with one of their training runs next term to see how the boys are progressing.  

We started playing our own modified games of tennis last week. It was good to see all the boys trying out something new and discovering some new skills along the way. Michael Harris-Clayton needed to restrain himself from belting the ball as he has clearly played tennis before and just wanted to let loose. 

In the back half of the week Corey and myself took 5 of our future leaders over to Tamworth for the night. We played paintball on the Wednesday afternoon, the Narrabri boys met with the rest of our region in the hills of Kootingal for a bit of fun with some bruising left behind. The boys did 3 different types of games such as capture the flag, free for all and patriots. Mr Pursche pulled his trigger in the safe zone (claiming he was set up), had to face up on the firing line, where all Narrabri boys had the joy of shooting him from a reasonable distance, with most hitting him in the head. After paintball we all went to Tamworth Services Club for an all you can eat dinner, which the boys nearly ate dry, after a tough 2 hours on the battlefield. The night was finished off watching Bad Boys at the movies. None of which Mr Pursche can comment on as he was asleep the whole time, possibly concussed - Corey Dixon.

The next morning, we had a super morning training at Scully Park. Combining all Clontarf Academies in the north west with some of the partners from our area. Playing games like ultimate frisbee, oztag and soccer it was enough to keep the frost off. After a hot breakfast and a quick shower, we headed into West's Leagues Club for our employment forum. This is where partners and supporters of Clontarf take time out of their day to partake in an information session. Informing all the boys about employment, traineeship and apprenticeship opportunities within the many different fields. The boys all reported they took a lot from the day, and it helped them learn what is available to them within the region. So keep an eye out in the future for more and more Clontarf boys working close by.

Term 2 - Week 7


Another busy week in academy land as we close in on the school holidays, looks like it will be a cold winter break too. 

Tuesday for our activity we spent the afternoon playing games in the (heated) pool. Playing modified versions of volleyball and water polo it was a great way to finish the day.

Starting last term, we introduced a return and earn program. If the Clontarf boys see bottles, cans or poppers lying around the school grounds they have been encouraged to pick them up and bring them into our return and earn bin. Once the bin is full, we pop down to Challenge Recycling and cash in our haul. This helps to keep the school clean and tidy. Secondly all money the boys raise they will get to choose exactly how it is spent. The money is saved up for the last day of school each year. On this day the boys throw a party in the academy room. All students who contributed get to choose what food we buy, what movies we rent or any games they want to purchase or hire for the room. Looking forward to this year’s party with a massive $81.50 already raised. 

Wednesday morning and Thursday afternoon we played different basketball and dodgeball games. On Thursday we were back over at Narrabri West Primary School engaging with the Year 5/6 boys. They have shown a great interest in our program, and we are looking forward to getting to spend more time with so many new faces next year.

Friday was the school's athletics carnival and we got out our brand-new barbecue out to cook with. We will be donating our old barbecue to someone who needs it by the terms end. The new barbecue has been donated to us from SANTOS Narrabri and we thank them for their ongoing support of our program. A small group of our boys got on the tongs and were serving up breakfast to the school staff and sports captains. A little thank you from us for their organisation and running of the athletics carnival. It was a cold day, but a lot of Clontarf students saw success on the track. Proudly displaying the ribbons, they had won.  Special shout out to the following boys for their achievements on the day; Clinton Lamb Age Champion; Lochlan McMillan Runner-up Age Champion; Jesse-James Quinn Age Champion and Jarrad Lawler Runner-up Age Champion. 

Term 2 - Week 6


Not a lot to share this week as the Clontarf staff spent the first 3 days away from Narrabri doing professional development. Each year all Clontarf staff from across Australia get together. We reflect on the year that has been, continue with our successful practices, learn from our shortcomings and listen to keynote speakers from different fields on what has been successful for them. In other words, we have come back more motivated and ready to tackle the second half of the year. Time to get around our academy members! 

Yesterday afternoon we went over to Narrabri West Public school for the second time this term. We played a variety of games with the primary school students and had a chat about who we are and what we are trying to accomplish at Narrabri High. We'll be going over to Narrabri West each Thursday afternoon for the remainder of the term. 

This morning, we had a very relaxed training session as many boys stayed in bed, most likely due to the recent cold snap. Those who did brave the cold were duly rewarded. We had pancakes and fruit for breakfast, as well as, a Subway platter for lunch. The lunch was shared with all students who attended over 80% for the week. Something we do every week to encourage the continued achievements of the Clontarf students. 

Term 2 - Week 5


Doesn't the school term just fly by. Week 5 done already. We had a very busy week, and it was so much fun.

Monday night, ex Narrabri Clontarf staff member Shaun Donnan bought over 12 boys from his new academy (Hunter River High). They stayed the night in the academy room playing games, cooking up and watching movies. A few members from Narrabri also stayed over to catch up with Shaun and meet fellow Clontarf members from another academy. 

Tuesday morning, we made a last-minute decision to change up our morning training so we could play some games with the Hunter River boys. Thank you to all the boys and their families for being so adaptable. It was fresh so early in the morning, but that didn't stop the boys from having a crack. We played a few massive games of dodgeball on the recently renovated basketball courts. 

On Wednesday, with the change to our morning training we now had a free afternoon for a new activity. We took a group of the boys out from school sport and drove up to Moree to play touch football with Moree and Inverell. The boys were very enthusiastic about playing against their brothers within the region. Michael Harris-Clayton was eager to take lead and show off his skills, he was talking all afternoon and playing his heart out. No one was faster than Narrabri Emu's Rydell Kelly, who can be seen leaving a Moree player in his dust. First timer and Clontarf Spirit Award recipient Tyrell Russel-Towney was very impressed by his first Clontarf activity and swears he'll never miss one again.

Thursday seven of our future leaders from Years 9 and 10 went on an employment tour of Narrabri. Organised by our Employment officer Luke Taylor. The boys visited several businesses in town that support the Clontarf Foundation. The boys learnt the ins and outs of these different businesses and we may just see some new faces working at these stores in the coming months. Later in the afternoon a small group of boys went to Narrabri West Public school, for our first interaction with a local primary school. We introduced 20 Stage 3 students to our concept and what we hope to achieve. Followed as always by some running around and fun games. The Clontarf students were in their element running around with their primary school counterparts. Safe to say everyone had a great time. 

Friday, finally, last day of the school week. We started bright and early with Ash Hynch doing pick-ups around town from 6:00am. The boys played kick tennis and 10 pass to keep themselves warm. They were treated to a pancake and fruit breakfast for their efforts. As a big thank you for all our boys, and to remind them that we are here for them, we had a feast of party snacks for recess and watched last night’s NRL highlights. Was a treat to see the boys so happy watching the game. 

Term 2 - Week 4


Monday after school we had a handful of our students hang back to join in the NHS homework club. The boys appreciate the extra support offered by the school's teachers and we make the afternoon a little sweeter by offering them all afternoon tea for giving up their time. 

Tuesday morning Declan Rooney and Isaiah Cochrane started the long trip down to Sydney so they could play in the 3rd annual Clontarf state of origin match. The boys spent a few days together, being mentored by Josh Addo-Carr from the Bulldogs and played the curtain raiser at Accor Stadium on Thursday afternoon.  We had a group of boys watch the game from the academy room. Front and centre was Clarence Morgan who represented the NSW team last year (as did Isaiah). The room was electric with the boys cheering on the NSW team in what was a close game. Unfortunately, QLD got the win. Big shout out to the staff who came down and joined us to watch the game. We immensely appreciate your support and belief in the program. Was also great to see Jake Paker from Platfrom & CO. come down to meet some more of the boys and watch the game.  

Wednesday to Friday Corey and Ashley took a small group of our Year 9 and 10 boys over to Tamworth for a tour of the QANTAS operation centre and hanger at Tamworth Airport.  Where the boys had a hands on look at the maintenance workshop and gained a greater understanding of servicing the airplanes. On the following day they competed in a basketball carnival against 6 other academies from the greater region. The boys didn't lead the scoreboard but had the most fun on the day.  

Term 2 - Week 3


We caught up with our Term 1 raffle winners this week. The boys showing off their wins. Rabbitohs football, Crossing Theatre movie voucher and school canteen voucher. Each boy in Clontarf gets a raffle ticket for weekly attendance of or above 80%, attending homework club, morning trainings and afternoon activities. We will draw 3 winners every term. Pooling all the tickets together for some bigger rewards (signed NRL jerseys) at the end of the year. 

We only held one morning training and one afternoon activity this week due to staff being away for a camp in Brisbane. Tuesday afternoon the boys returned to the Aboriginal Burial Ground in town and listened to stories from Steven Booby. Wednesday morning Luke “Tubby” Taylor (our employment officer) was in town contacting local employers. He dropped in to help out with our morning training session. Sharing his wealth of knowledge in rugby league after many years of playing the game. 

Last three days of the working week Clayton and Corey took a handful of our Year 11 and 12 students to Brisbane. Due to social, work, family and football commitments a lot of our senior boys missed out on this camp. It was unfortunate timing, but the boys who came along had a great time. We had a tour of ACU's Brisbane campus. Several third-year sport and exercise science students put us through a range of fitness tests. Connor “Rambo” Gordon excelled in all power and strength tests, Brayden Brown had the best balance and Jye Norris was the most accurate. Thursday evening, we met up with several other QLD Clontarf academies to watch the women's State of Origin at Suncorp Stadium. Boys got to catch up with an old staff member Chris Binge who now works out of Tweed Heads. Friday morning, we stopped by Kayo Stadium touring the Dolphin's facilities. Lucky enough to run into Josh Kerr and Sam Tagataese. Great way to end the week, bar the long drive home. 

Term 2 - Week 2


Second week done and dusted. Back into the full swing of things. Fair bit on and that's the way we like it. 

Tuesday a small group of our boys went over to the Aboriginal burial ground by the rugby fields and west lake. Steven Booby had a yarn about the history and what the site means to the local people. The boys then helped beautify the area and restore the footpath. 

We played a mix of games for morning training. With touch football always the stand alone favourite. The boys are eager to play in our upcoming 7/8 Clontarf Rugby League carnival. At the end of the term the youngest academy members will travel to the Hunter region for a camp and the carnival.

We visited a few different classrooms this week to see what the boys were creating for Mother’s Day. Some fine work on display. We know they'll be making mum, aunty and or nan proud come Sunday. We too as an academy decided to focus on the lead ladies in the boys lives this week. We spent Thursday afternoon in the kitchen with Mrs Wallace, Mrs Tomlinson and Ms Bailey baking cakes, slices and muffins. Friday morning the boys added the final touches to their deserts before serving them up to all the mothers, aunties and grandmothers who came down for our morning tea.

Big thank you to all staff and families who came down to our morning tea. It means a lot to the Clontarf staff to see your support of and faith in the program. We really appreciate it. It means even more to the young men involved in our program so thank you one last time. 

Shout out to Clinton (Junior) Lamb for winning 1st prize at the show for his work.

Term 2 - Week 1


First week back we saw good numbers attending our weekly activities. The boys were eager to take advantage of the refurbished basketball courts. We spent the mornings and afternoons playing Dodgeball, Tennis, Basketball and Touch Football. The boys had a great time and always displayed great Clontarf spirit. 

Our boys in the IM and MC class went over to the show on Friday entering a few different competitions. Still waiting to hear back just how successful they were over the weekend. 

First week is a little quitter than the rest of the term, but fear not we have a lot to look forward to. This Friday we'll have our Mother's Day morning tea (open invite to all female staff members). Next week Years 11 and 12 are away on a camp and Years 9 and 10 away the week following.

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