Narrabri High School

Respect, Involvement, Success, Engagement

Telephone02 6792 1633

Student Welfare

Pastoral Care / Welfare

Student Welfare at Narrabri High School encompasses everything the School community does to meet the personal, social and learning needs of individuals.

One of the aims of the Welfare Team is to provide students with options to discover more about life's issues.

Roll classes are integrated vertically, Year 7 - 11 in House groups, (Aranda, Currong, Lowana, Marara) to encourage positive friendships integration and interaction, and breakdown barriers throughout the school population.

The Welfare Team oversee the SCAN program which rewards student achievement in 5 categories:
* Personal Academic Achievement
* Effort & Co-operation
* Contribution to Sport
* School Involvement, Service, Leadership
* Community Involvement & Citizenship

Students work annually towards Award levels Bronze, Silver, Gold and ultimately, the Narrabri High School Medal.

Gold Day is a reward day for students reaching Gold Level or the School Medal.

Conversely, students who behave inappropriately may find themselves working through a 3-tiered discipline network in an effort to improve their personal interactions with staff and fellow students.
'The Welfare Team organises welcome and integration activities for Year 7 including a Disco, team-building Camp and BBQ. Parenting pages are distributed via the School Newsletter, Year 7 & Year 11 are given homework diaries, while Peer Reading and Peer Support links are fostered between Year 7 & Year 10. Year 12 completes the Crossroads program, discussing drug, alcohol and relationship issues, as well as a Life & Careers Program.

The Welfare Team is an integral part of the school's "Excellence in a Caring Community" ethos.