16 Dec 2024

Year 10 at Narrabri High School were out and about last week casing potential careers with a week of work experience. The Year 10 program has been a mainstay of the Careers program for over 40 years and has seen countless students benefit from exposure to industry and the workplace. This benefit has not just been through “taste-testing” various jobs, but also in learning how workplaces operate, and the standards expected of people at work (as one or two of our mobile phone users have discovered).
This year, fifty-eight students ventured into our local community (a small few even farther afield) to experience jobs ranging from conservation research to crop dusting. A whopping 27% (16 students) chose to work in education or childcare settings, while 14% (8 students) went to trades, 12% (7 students) opted for health-related jobs and 8% (5 students) went into the fitness industry.
Overwhelmingly, the feedback from employers and students has been incredibly positive and is a good indicator that our newest crop of work experience graduates is shaping up to take the world by storm. As usual, those students who have never had a job are those who have gained the most.
Narrabri High School deeply appreciates the efforts of our local businesses and organisations. We are extremely lucky to have such strong and enduring support from a business community that goes out of its way to provide a meaningful experience for our students. Well done, Narrabri.